If you or someone you know is experiencing intimate partner violence, please seek help. You could save a life.
Emergency: 911
Police non-emergency: 519-570-9777
Women's Crisis Service of Waterloo Region (non-police): 519-742-5894
If you need to leave immediately:
Anselma House (Kitchener – Waterloo)
Crisis: 519-742-5894
Haven House (Cambridge)
Crisis: 519-653-2422
Anyone can report intimate partner violence. If a victim does not want police to be contacted, you can provide them with resources from this site, including the Women’s Crisis Service of Waterloo Region phone number and safety planning information. Sometimes being there for them is all they are able to accept at the time. Reports can be made by a victim, witness, friend, co-worker, family member or anyone else.
What is intimate partner violence?
Intimate partner violence means any use of physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship, including emotional or psychological abuse or harassing behaviour. Both women and men can be victims of intimate partner violence.
Intimate partner violence crimes are often committed in an environment where there is a pattern of aggressive or controlling behaviour. This violence may include physical assault, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse or threats to harm children, other family members, pets and property. The violence is used to intimidate, humiliate, frighten or make victims feel powerless.
Intimate partner violence may include a single act of abuse or a number of acts that may appear minor when viewed in isolation but collectively form a pattern that amounts to abuse. Offences include, but are not limited to, homicide, assault, sexual assault, threatening death or bodily harm, forcible confinement, criminal harassment, stalking, abduction, breach of a court order and property-related offences.
Make Sure You Are Safe
Your internet history can be tracked. Be sure to delete your internet history after leaving this website to stop someone from determining that you have visited this website.
Knowing ways to protect yourself is essential. If you would like assistance in developing a safety plan, contact Waterloo Regional Police Victim Services Unit or Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region. Please take into account the following suggestions as you plan for your safety and the safety of your children.
Living Together |
Living Apart |
At Work |
In a Vehicle |
Our Response to Intimate Partner Violence
The Investigation |
When you report, we will take a number of steps.
The Intimate Partner Violence Unit |
The Intimate Partner Violence Unit of the Waterloo Regional Police Service was the first unit solely dedicated to the investigation of intimate partner violence in Canada and was launched in March 2006. The team specializes in preventing, responding to and investigating incidents of intimate partner violence. The unit also connects victims to important community supports as a partner in the Family Violence Project of Waterloo Region. The unit continues to be a hallmark of intimate partner violence investigations providing a wrap-around, victim-centric approach focused on support, safety planning, breaking the cycle and early intervention. Early Intervention and Prevention Team
Intimate Partner Violence in Waterloo Region
The Family Violence Project |
![]() The Waterloo Regional Police Service is a founding partner agency of the Family Violence Project of Waterloo Region, which was formed in March of 2006. Many of the partners, including the Intimate Partner Violence Unit, are co-located at the Camino Mental Health + Wellbeing building at 400 Queen St. South, Kitchener. VisionIncreasing the safety and wellbeing of our diverse community by reducing family violence. MissionThe Family Violence Project exists to provide a community-based response to family violence, with wrap around services in a single location, focusing on support, advocacy, prevention, education and awareness. ValuesRelationships Working together in collaboration and partnerships with trust, honesty and respect for each agency’s scope. Access Providing barrier free services by demonstrating an understanding of intersectionality and respect for diversity, equity and inclusion. Resilience Putting families at the centre of healing by delivering trauma informed, identity affirming and holistic services. Innovation Progressive and agile delivery of services based on individual, family and community need.
More about The Family Violence Project
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have other options if the police do not lay charges? |
Even if charges are not laid by police, you have several other options. Peace Bond A peace bond is a court order that requires the subject to keep the peace, be of good behaviour and obey any other specific conditions. It is not necessary to prove that a criminal offence has been committed. If you have been threatened or fear for your safety or the safety of your children, you can explain it to the justice of the peace and apply for a peace bond. A court date will be set, the subject will be served with a summons to attend court, and a hearing will take place. The subject will be present at the hearing. A peace bond is issued if the judge believes that you have reason to fear for your safety. The subject can be bound to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for up to one year. If the person breaches a condition of the peace bond, they can be arrested and charged criminally. Restraining Order A restraining order is an order of the court that requires the subject to stop annoying or harassing you or your children. To obtain a restraining order under the Family Law Act, you should attend the Family Court/Superior Court of Ontario at 85 Frederick Street, Kitchener. You may need the assistance of a lawyer, but an intake worker and duty counsel will be available to assist you. The matter will be scheduled for court depending on the urgency and availability of a judge. Police cannot assist in obtaining this type of order. If the order is breached, report the breach to the police immediately, and charges may be laid. Private Complaint The victim of any crime can make a private complaint. You may go before a justice of the peace at the courthouse located at 85 Frederick Street, Kitchener, to request that a charge be laid on your behalf. If police were called about the incident in question, you will be required to provide the police occurrence number to the justice of the peace on duty. |
Will I have to appear in court? |
If the accused pleads not guilty and the case proceeds to trial, victims will receive a subpoena to appear in court. You must attend court. You should notify the intimate partner violence detective immediately if you change your address or telephone number to make communication easier. A Crown Attorney will present the case in court. Victims in the criminal process do not need a lawyer, and it does not cost them anything. Victims will likely be required to testify at trial. Testifying at trial can be stressful. Resources are available to support victims during the court process. |
Will my children have to appear in court? |
If children witnessed the incident, it may be necessary to have them testify in court. In these situations, the Child Witness Centre will assist and offer services to child witnesses that include impartial pre-court preparation, advocacy and referrals. Children are given information about how the court works and are supported emotionally throughout their court experience. |
Can police help with child custody disputes? |
Often, the police are called to enforce court orders dealing with the custody of children or parents' rights regarding access to the children. Even though there may be a custody order in place, the law does not give the police the power to intervene and to enforce the order. If one party refuses to grant access to children, then you need to go back to the court that issued the order. The court may then direct the police to find and deliver a child to the person named in the order. Unless an order is obtained containing a clause specifically directing police to enforce terms of the order, the police can only respond to keep the peace and offer advice. Non-compliance with an order must be dealt with by the originating court and through the Family Law Act or the Children's Law Reform Act. |
The Dangers of Strangulation
Research shows that between 30 per cent to 70 per cent of females that experience intimate partner violence have been strangled. Strangulation became a separate Criminal Code offence in 2019 and is a growing concern in the region. 135 charges for strangulation were laid in 2021 compared to 103 in 2020. This is a 24 per cent increase in the span of one year.
Injury or death can happen well after a strangulation. If you or someone you know has been strangled, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
What is strangulation? |
Strangulation is a form of asphyxia (lack of oxygen) characterized by the closure of the blood vessels or air passages of the neck as a result of external pressure on the neck.
Strangulation is life threatening |
Research shows that abusers who strangle victims may be “test driving” a homicide. Brain death due to lack of blood flow can occur in 1 to 2 minutes and brain death due to lack of air flow can occur in 4 minutes or less. Even if death does not occur a variety of internal injuries may occur even without external marks or injuries being visible. Swelling tissue in the neck can block the airway, limiting or completely stopping air flow. Internal bleeding due to damage to the carotid and jugular arteries may occur. The larynx or trachea may be fractured. Stroke, lung damage or brain injury may occur. Again, if you or someone you know has been strangled, please seek medical assistance immediately. |
Media Releases
December 14, 2022 - WRPS Announces Walk-In Support Service for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
- November 1, 2021 - WRPS Partners with Community Organizations to Bring Awareness to Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate Partner Violence Break the Cycle Pamphlet |
The Waterloo Regional Police Service Intimate Partner Violence pamphlet covers such important topics as:
Kids Help Phone: Healthy relationships vs. unhealthy relationships |
In healthy relationships, people can feel safe, respected and accepted for who they are. In unhealthy relationships, people may feel anxious, confused, uncertain and even unsafe. Knowing these differences can help you make choices about who you date and for how long. |
Psychology Today: 51 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship |
In this article, we look at the warning signs of a toxic relationship. While many relationships may display one or two of these, toxic relationships will often feature multiple alarm bells. |
Region of Waterloo: What is a healthy relationship? |
The Duluth Model: The Equality Wheel |
The Equality Wheel describes the qualities involved in healthy relationships. The Equality Wheel shows the changes needed for people who batter to move from being abusive to non-violent partnership. It is best used with the Duluth Power and Control Wheel. |
The Duluth Model: The Power and Control Wheel |
The Power and Control Wheel is a tool that helps explain the different ways an abusive partner can use power and control to manipulate a relationship. Social workers can use it to help a victim recognize any of the warning signs in their own relationship. |
Contact Information
Waterloo Regional Police Service Intimate Partner Violence Unit
Camino Mental Health + Wellbeing Building
400 Queen Street South, Kitchener
The Family Violence Project Partners |
Camino Mental Health + Wellbeing
Child Witness Centre
Family & Children Services of Waterloo Region
Family Violence Project
Victim Services of Waterloo Region
Victim/Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)
Waterloo Region Sexual Assault / Intimate Partner Violence Treatment Centre A 24/7 on-call team of nurses and social workers who respond to needs of individual who have experienced sexual assault or domestic violence.
Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Kitchener (Anselma House) - 519-742-5894 |
Other Community Resources |
Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington
Crown Attorney's Office
Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge and North Dumfries
Legal Aid Ontario
The Healing of the Seven Generations - Counselling and Support
John Howard Society Waterloo-Wellington - Partner Assault Response Program 519-622-0815 (Cambridge)
K-W Multicultural Centre
Region of Waterloo Social Services
University of Waterloo Counselling Services
Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network
Wilmot Family Resource Centre
Woolwich Community Services
Woolwich Counselling Centre |
Contact Us