These guidelines will help you to protect yourself and your family in reducing crime and maintaining a more secure and safer environment.
- Trust your instincts.
- Never open your door to a stranger who does not show proper identification.
- Don't leave keys hidden in obvious places.
- Walk on well lit streets near the curb and away from alleys, particularly, if you must walk alone at night.
- When in public, always beware of your surroundings. Be mindful of persons loitering or acting suspiciously.
- If you suspect you are being followed, go to the nearest well lit place or populated area, and
yell if necessary to attract attention. - Don't hitch-hike or pick up hitch-hikers. Once trapped inside the vehicle, it is difficult
to escape. - If you are being sexually or physically abused at home, in the workplace, in a social
setting, help is available. Report this situation to police. - Be aware that any form of sexual activity without consent, even in a marriage or on a
date, is a sexual assault and a criminal offence. - Have your keys ready upon approaching your parked vehicle.
- Keep your personal information secure.
- Don't display large amounts of money in public.
- Be aware of scams in case a stranger approaches you under false pretenses.
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