The Police Liaison Team is part of the Waterloo Regional Police response to events like demonstrations, rallies, vigils, labour disputes, community gatherings and much more.
Learn more about the role of police
Before Your Event
- Know your rights
- Understand the role of police
- Be clear on your intentions
- Communicate with police pre-event
- Understand limitations to expression
- Know your local by-laws
- Know provincial and criminal law
The Law
Beyond federal law, provincial and municipal laws may apply to your event. Understanding any implications of the Highway Traffic Act and other Provincial Acts or Municipal By-Laws in your municipality is essential.
Breaking the law can have a profound impact on your life. Criminal charges can result in a criminal record and travel limitations and impact employment, education, and relationships in your community.
What is Allowed
- Gather to Exercise Rights
- Express Opinions, Beliefs and Thoughts
- Share Messaging in a Lawful Way
- Maintain Freedom of Association
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees certain rights and fundamental freedoms. Section 2 of the Charter guarantees your right to believe what you choose, and to express your values. However, there is a limitation on expressing opinions, beliefs and thoughts when it crosses into hate speech.
WRPS recognizes the importance of fundamental freedoms and all other protections in the Charter.
What is not allowed?
- Block or Obstruct a Highway
- Breach the Peace
- Cause a Disturbance/Take Part in a Riot
- Wearing a Mask or Disguise During an Unlawful Assembly, or with Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence
- Disobey a Court Order
- Harm, Injure or Inflict Violence
- Possess Any Kind of Weapon
Ask yourself:
- Is this a lawful and peaceful gathering?
- Does this event require permits or
- pre-approval to gather in this space?
- Are masks allowed at this event?
Contact Us